Webster - Prinz Eugen Torpedo Room (Ambient Sound Only)


The Prinz Eugen survived the sea battle with the Hood
and two atomic bomb test blasts and final resting place
is upside down in Kwajalein Lagoon.

An amazing dive with the ship's stern out of water and the bow at 110 FSW
the divers are dwarfed by the enormity of the underwater structure.

With the development of small HD video cameras and LED
lights, we are able to see into the torpedo room without
penetrating the wreck. Safety is a prime concern.

Special thanks to the Kwajalein Scuba Club and John Pennington
who led the adventure.

GoPro2 with SRP BlurFix adapter and UR Pro UV filter at 1080 30fps
medium FOV

SRP Chevron camera tray to rig cameras and lights

Tovatech SuperNova LED light

Cyberlink PowerDirector 10

Kwajalein Diving Kwaj 2012
Prinz, Eugen, Torpedo, William, Webster, Kwajalein
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